Tuesday 14 October 2014

Pop Up Recording Studio

The day finally came to bring together as many people as possible who had been involved in the project to work with a professional band and recording engineer at The Rivergate Centre.  We planned to produce an album of sonic postcards - Portraits, that reflects life in the area at this time....not quite sure we anticipated an invasion of 30 children!

Luckily there was enough percussion to keep them busy and they recorded the Rivergate Rhythm in only two takes, like true pros.  Check out their groove under the text here.

Louisa Groves and Nancy Tyler-Goode came into the studio with their song Falling Star.  After a quick editing process they went away to rehearse and laid down the track.  We love their vocals but were sad to learn that some of the lyrics had been inspired by difficult times on the Thames View Estate.

It reminded us that, as we all know,  children soak up everything around them - the good and the bad, we were inspired by the way these two girls channelled their feelings into such a great song.

Debbie Harrison and John Tisseman - two local writers came in to record their poems Like a Cloud and Sisters & Brothers.

Elsie Blackburn - The Poet

Elsie Blackburn nee Elsie Louise De Negri

After our session at Thames Lodge, Elsie casually mentioned that she wrote poetry.  Abimaro and I dropped round for a cuppa and were astonished - she produced in the region of 25 volumes of self-published poetry, a life's work observing people and places.  

Elsie began writing poetry when she was diagnosed with diabetes.  With the support of he husband she gave up working and followed her passion, penning hundreds of poems over the past 65 years.